JRCC Furniture Depot Blog Post #2:
A lot has changed since 1985 when the JRCC Furniture Depot started as a service connecting those who wanted to donate their furniture with those who needed it. We are proud to say, the JRCC furniture depot services all clients regardless of their race, religion or color! We are proud to service the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and help those in need of a basic living necessity- furniture. Having a bed to sleep, a chair to sit and a table to eat is essential to have for anyone seeking to improve their lives- and we want to have a part in helping them!
In 2017, 90% of clients served were below the poverty line, 60% were newcomers to Canada, 60% had minor children and 20% were transitioning from shelters! Those donating their furniture to the JRCC furniture depot can have peace of mind knowing that their furniture will make a difference in someone’s life. A difference which will improve the lives of others, a difference which will affect the entire GTA for the better.
Just walking through our warehouse can show why are clients come here. Mattresses, dressers, tables, chairs and couches- the basics in any home – are what we provide for clients. Most of the time, when a client is referred to the JRCC Furniture Depot, the first thing taken is a mattress. By helping those without furniture furnish their homes, we can help them have the peace of mind knowing that they have a place to put their head down.
While a client’s issues may be vast- the JRCC Furniture depot prides itself in helping one- furnish their homes. But we can’t do it without our donor’s help! For all inquires regarding furniture donation, please call 416-222-7105 ext. 248