Since it was created in 1984, the JRCC Furniture Depot has grown from a local community network into a large non-profit organization that has provided thousands of households with donated furniture items. In 2019 alone, the JRCC Furniture Depot received over 5,000 donated furniture items, and served over 750 families.
Part of the reason for the Furniture Depot’s tremendous growth is the relationships we have developed with partner agencies all across the GTA. These agencies provide social services to marginalized populations across Toronto and York Region, including people living under the poverty line, newcomers to Canada, and more.
All clients of the JRCC Furniture Depot are referred to us directly by case workers at these agencies. We work with over 60 social service agencies, whose clients are often in need of basic furniture items to create and maintain safe and healthy households.
Let’s take a look at some of the JRCC Furniture Depot’s partner agencies to better understand our clients. Here is a partial list of some of the organizations we work with that help settle newcomers to Canada.
Settlement Assistance & Family Support Services (SAFSS)
SAFSS is a non-profit that focuses on un-served and under-served areas of Scarborough. The organization was founded in 1989 to serve newcomers to Canada, refugees, and victims of all types of violence. Today, they support approximately 13,000 people each year at four different locations in Scarborough. They offer settlement services, counselling programs, legal and housing assistance for victims of domestic abuse, and programming for isolated seniors.
Welcome Centre Immigrant Services
We partner with five locations of Welcome Centres, which are one-stop services that assist immigrants and newcomers to Canada. Welcome Centres provide newcomers with all the services they need to ensure a successful transition into Canada, including English language training, employment support, and legal services.
Jewish Immigrant Aid Services (JIAS)
The only Jewish agency in Canada dedicated to the settlement of immigrants and refugees, JIAS has worked with waves of immigrants and refugees since 1922. JIAS offers support to newcomers from all over the world, helping them rebuild social and professional networks and helping find employment opportunities. You can find a full list of the JRCC Furniture Depot’s partner agencies here. You can support the JRCC Furniture Depot’s mission of providing free furniture to those in need, including clients of these agencies. Contact us today to arrange a furniture or monetary donation, or let us know if you’re interested in becoming a volunteer!